How to start a new WordPress site from Scratch

This article will explain, what are the common steps for starting a new WordPress site.

  1. Install Google Site Kit plugin
    1. Give permission to link your google account with this plugin for search console and GA.
  2. Install W3 Total Cache plugin
    1. Create an IAM user with CloudFront Full access
    2. Enable CDN, Page cache, Browser cache
    3. In browser cache, turn on Expiry header
    4. In CDN settings set the API keys and create a CloudFront distribution
  3. Install iThemes Security plugin
  4. Install WP Offload SES Lite
    1. Create the IAM user With SES full permission
    2. Set the API key and Secret into the plugin
    3. Verify the domain in SES
    4. Set the From email, From name settings
    5. Send a test email
    6. Use this plugin for email sending
  5. Install WP Offload Media Lite
    1. Create an IAM role for the EC2 instance which has S3 full access
    2. Assign that role to that Instance.
    3. Create an S3 Bucket with public permission
    4. Continue the settings in the plugin and give the bucket name.
    5. That’s it
  6. Activate Akismet
    1. Go to the Akismet website
    2. Sign up for a free account with your new sites email address
    3. You will receive an API key in your mailbox.
    4. Use that API key to activate the plugin.
  7. Install and activate Yoast SEO
  8. Install elementor.
    1. Set the font to “karla” for body text
    2. For H1-H6 use the font “montserrat”
    3. Make the button text always upper case
  9. Install the Theme “Astra”
  10. Then set the logo and Favicon
  11. Set the font to “karla” for body text
  12. For H1-H6 use the font “montserrat”
  13. Make the button text always upper case
  14. Make the container to Fullwidth contained

This article is developed with the help of, which is one of the leading news site for Tech Gadgets and tips.

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